This page details our customer terms and conditions.

My contact details:

Loubee Blooms Florist: Old rectory, High St, Tormarton, Badminton GL9 1HU

Tel: 01454 324311

Email: Please use the contact form to get in touch

1. Introduction

1.1 Website usage agreement between Loubee Blooms and the user.

1.2 Use of this site constitutes agreement with the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted in line with English law. Please read these carefully.

1.3 This site is intended for the use by citizens of the United Kingdom. This site in not intended for the distribution to, or use by, any persons in a country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local laws or regulations.

2. Use of Content

2.1 Throughout our website, trademarked names are indicated. However, rather that repeatedly show the trademark symbol, we state that we are using such names in an editorial contact with no intention of infringement of that trademark. Trademarked names, as always, remain the property of their respective companies.

2.2 We, or our licensers, own the copyright and all other intellectual property rights associated with the content save where otherwise stated.

2.3 We cannot warrant that use of the site will not be interrupted or unavailable due to any factors outside our control.

2.4 We are happy for you to download or print off copies of the content of this site (other than any quotation details) for your personal, non-commercial, use and information but, any copying or adaptation of the content, layout or code of this site, or the creation of an archive or database containing the content, for any business purpose or other commercial exploitation, without our specific consent will constitute copyright infringement.

2.5 If you do download or print of copies of the content you must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material.

2.6 You may not copy, distribute or display the site or any part of it to third parties. You may not link to or mirror any part of the site. Any infringement of any intellectual property rights in this manner will result in appropriate legal action.

2.7 Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.

3. Changes

3.1 We are continually seeking to update and improve the site. Therefore, we may make changes to any part of the site as well as these conditions and you will be bound by changes from the time you next access the site.

3.2 No purported modification of these conditions will be effective until we countersign it.


4.1 You must ensure that any software downloaded from the internet to your computer is suitable for use on your computer and that it is virus free. This applies to any software downloaded from this site so you must check all your software loaded from this site and ensure it is compatible with your computer.

5. Disclaimer

5.1 The information on this site is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. We try to ensure, but do not guarantee or warrant, the accuracy or completeness, availability or reliability of the information on our website. Our aim is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention we will try and correct them.

5.2 We exclude any warranty, express or implied, as to the quality or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the content on this site.

5.3 We reserve exclusive right at our sole discretion to alter, limit or discontinue part of this site. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss, damage or liability or expense suffered which is claimed to result from the use of this site, including without limitation, any fault, error, omission, interruption or delay. Use of this site is at the user’s sole risk.

5.4 We make every effort to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. However, some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats, which are not error-free, and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. We accept no responsibility with regards to such problems (failure of performance, computer virus, communication line failure, alternation of content, etc.) incurred as a result of using this site or any link to external sites.

5.5 The materials on this site do not constitute medical, financial or other professional advice. You should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your situation.

We accept any debit of credit card payment. If you are shopping from outside the UK, place your order and your credit card company will convert the transaction to US Dollars or your own local currency.

We accept most credit and debit card payments, Visa, Mastercard.

Orders that are cancelled online or via the phone are subject to a cancellation fee.

When confirmation of order is received, this is to indicate that I have received your order. It does not indicate that a contract exists between us. I will indicate acceptance of your order, and hence a contract between us, when payment has been processed. We have included this term to protect us in the case that a mistake has been made in pricing, we have inadvertently under-priced goods, or we are no longer able to supply a particular product for some reason. In the case of a change of price, we will always contact you first to ensure that the price is acceptable.


Orders are delivered once. If the recipient is not home the flowers/plant are returned and a delivery note is left informing them that flowers/plant have tried to be delivered and to collect from Loubee Blooms.

If a neighbour is home we will try and leave the flowers/plant with them providing they are willing to take responsibility for the delivery.

If the recipient is physically unable to collect their flowers/plant a new delivery date will be arranged at earliest convenience.

Loubee Blooms Florist is not responsible for theft or damage of flowers, plants or sundries if left.

We take care of our flowers and ensure freshness and quality at all times.


Credit Card Security. When the order is placed at our website, the payment system is handled by Stripe, which has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. 

All card numbers are encrypted on disk with AES-256. Decryption keys are stored on separate machines. None of Stripe’s internal servers and daemons are able to obtain plaintext card numbers; instead, they can just request that cards be sent to a service provider on a static whitelist. Stripe’s infrastructure for storing, decrypting, and transmitting card numbers runs in separate hosting infrastructure, and doesn’t share any credentials with Stripe’s primary services (API, website, etc.).


Refunds may occasionally be given at the discretion of Loubee Blooms Florist. Because of the perishable nature of our products you are advised to make any complaint within 1 working day of the delivery of your flowers. We always endeavour to reach an agreement with the recipient for either for a replacement or a refund depending upon the nature of the complaint.